Real Talk

Real talk, how many of you have gone through hardship in silence?

How many of you went through said hardship and felt alone?

Now, how many of you think that if you would have just said something to someone who loved you you might have felt less alone?

Some of us experience loneliness by choice. Some of us get so wrapped up in our life and it’s situations that we forget that there are people outside of our household that sincerely love us. We become so laser focused on how to fix things ourselves that we lose sight of the big picture. I know this because I’ve fallen victim to it myself. By choice.

I don’t know if it was pride, insecurity, or what. I do know that I dealt with certain things alone and I now know that I never had to. I know that in my loneliness I was tempted to reach out. Countless times I convinced myself not to pick up the phone. Countless times I’d answer the question “how are you?” With “great how are you?” When things weren’t always so great. I did it as a safety mechanism I assume. I figured the less people I let in the less hurt I could feel. Unfortunately, that wasn’t always the case. I myself did enough hurt to myself. You see, by not asking for help when I needed it it caused me to suffer for a longer time. Sure, I recovered. I sought Christ and he always met me where I was. However, looking back I could have overcome some of what I have gone through if I just trusted the ones I love more. I’m blessed to have learned this lesson sooner then later. I now know that it’s ok to talk. It’s ok to ask, and it’s ok to not look like you have it all together. All of us are going through something and some of us might be doing it better then others. That’s ok. Just don’t forget you’re not alone. If you truly have no one to talk to feel free to reach out. I may not have all of the answers but, I have a listening ear, an open heart and I know someone who does have all of the answers.

I pray you are encouraged today, encouraged to ask for help if you need it. Encouraged to not be lonely. Encouraged to love yourself enough to seek love, and peace through Jesus.

In his love,


There you have it!

This morning, like so many other, I woke up to dishes in the sink. Just so you know, I hate waking up to dishes in the sink! Every night after I put the kids to bed I do a last run through of my kitchen JUST to make sure there are NO dirty dishes! However, there’s one exception. Now, that my husband works at night (and has been for over 1 year now) I always leave his plate on the stove wrapped up neatly. So, when I wake up I expect his plate, cup, fork, knife, and sometimes his dessert plate in the sink. I’m ok with that (JUST THAT THOUGH). Every morning, I wake up, I feed the dog and I wash the dishes………today, I decided not to. ……Today, I decided I was going to tell my 10 year old to do it. Along with washing the dishes, I reminded her to make her bed, and clean up her room. She on the other hand decided to make her bed, clean up her room, and wait until after her school work was done to do the dishes. I let her. I figured she was trying to play me. I figured she knows how much I hate dirty dishes that she knew I would give in. NOT TODAY. I was DETERMINED! All day those dishes kept piling up. One by one, each of us added to the pile of cups, and plates and forks. One by One, all of the dishes glared at me with their ugly little food particles smudged all over, taunting me in the sink. ALL DAY! To some of you it might not seem like a big deal, but to someone who is task oriented like myself I was living a nightmare. So, right before dinner time here comes my curly headed little beauty and here I go ready to shoot out at the mouth.

Me”Zoey, you see, if you would’ve done it when I asked you, you only would have had a few dishes to wash but, now there’s a mountain”

Zoey “Yea, it’s ok this was my plan. I don’t want to touch the dishes so I’m gonna load them in  the dishwasher”

Me “Oh, well why didn’t you do it earlier”

Zoey “cause you had yesterdays load running this morning”

Me “Oh, well, thank you for doing it without having to be reminded”

Zoey “No problem mom”

And there you have it. I was bothered all day by dirty dishes when there was a plan for them the entire time. When I realized how ridiculous it was I began to think about how God must see us and our short comings. We ask God to just get rid of things that we are dealing with not realizing that there’s more coming and He wants to rid us of ALL of our infirmities, ALL of our sins, ALL of our dirt. We stare at what seems to be overtaking us instead of focusing on God who agreed to take care of it ALL. WOW! I thank God for enlightening me. I thank God for knowing what’s ahead of me and already having a plan for it. I encourage you to take heart and trust in the almighty creator because he will never leave you or forsake you. And just because he’s not moving in your time doesn’t mean he’s not moving.

Be Blessed


Just Maybe

I have tried so many things in my life and quit.

  1. Piano…….Quit
  2. Karate…….Quit
  3. Volleyball…..Quit
  4. Diets………Quit, Start,Quit,Start
  5. Books……..rarely ever finish them……Quit
  6. Walking………Quit …….

I could go on and on but you get the gist. Out of all of these things I’ve quit I don’t regret starting them or quitting them.  Just because I stopped a good behavior doesn’t mean I can’t start again if I wanted to. Don’t get me wrong I’m not going to be a black belt or play in a symphony but, there’s a few things in my life I wouldn’t mind giving another chance……. and that’s OK. Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t (idk yet)

You see, there are so many things that we as people just give power to. Because of that we quit some really great things. We allow distractions and opinions to hold us back. We listen to the voice of doubt and insecurity, laziness or just plane frustration. This causes a lot of us to retreat (I know, I’ve been there). But, could you imagine a world where you could have the courage to just start over again? Where you could wake up one day and say today is the day! Today is the day I’m going to restart! WOW!!!!! Do you believe that you live in that world??? It’s true! You do!! You can restart anything you want. It’s up to you. You are what’s in your own way. You could literally right now decide that you are going to learn a new language. With hard work and determination you could!  All you would need is the courage to mess up, potentially quit, and start again if necessary until you’re successful . I know!!!! CRAZY RIGHT??!!

Look, all I’m saying is that I’m not the only one that has quit something and been afraid to start again. And, I’m not the only one that can start again and be successful at it. YOU CAN too.

Go for it! Become the volleyball star. Lose the 10 pounds, start that book… to God……It’s never to late to start over!

For Hope is the anchor to our souls. Hebrews 6:19

With Love,


Jelly beans, Breakfast and Bulletin points

I was the Perfect parent before I had kids. I mean, I had it all figured out. From Breakfast and house keeping to temperament and tantrums.

  1. My kids would eat all organic and home made

2. I’d be home full time to care for them. Doing so would prevent any and all tantrums. It would also  guarantee that all 2 or 5 of my children would have perfect temperaments.

3. I would never yell

4.  My house would be spotless at all times! Inside and out.

LOL……………..PRETTY COMICAL RIGHT!!! (at least for me. If the above list is you congrats! but this isn’t about you) Moving on……

My Life played out a bit differently.

  1. I married for love. My husband is without a doubt a hard working provider and I wouldn’t change him for the world. With that said. We eat fried non organic and I work because love doesn’t pay for extra vacations and eating out at will.
  2. We had 3 kids! yup not 2 or 5 but 3! So, there’s the one that makes the rules, the one that the rules were made because of,  and the one that ignores the rules. (got it from a t-shirt….it’s true though)
  3. I yell!!! BOY do I yell. Not even when I’m mad, or when something is wrong, but to simply be heard and understood. You see, my kids don’t have “perfect temperaments” they have whatever temperament they want to have that day. It is my job as the mom to mold those sweet little temperaments. I have chosen yelling as my weapon of choice. (don’t be so judgy….. they are OK! and they’ll be oK! lol)

So, in this short little list of my “What I thought it would be and my what it is” I have to say I love what it is. Sure, I let my kid eat jelly beans for breakfast the other day. So what! He stopped saying mom repeatedly…..I take it as a win!! Sure, I let my other son say a bad word when he’s mad. It prevents a blow up!….(fyi: he asks for permission and the word was hate) I  MAKE IT WORK! I don’t read parenting books or magazines. I don’t ask people for parenting advice unless I’m willing to listen to it.  My house is not perfect. I am not perfect. Honestly, on any given day the beds will be unmade, the counter littered with blocks and toys, the kids are rolling around on the floor and couch. It’s madness! It’s unorganized and it’s fun! It’s us!! My house can be loud and chaotic but, it’s filled with love, peace, and lots and lots of hugs and cuddles. It’s ours!

I hope that you make your home YOURS! Not the one you think it is suppose to be, not the one people tell you it should be, but the one you and your family are happy to be in. Remember, Jesus loves you, and he sees you. He wants you to be happy in season and out of season. So, let the kids eat jelly beans for breakfast once in a while, don’t  make the bed and enjoy the day! I promise you the world won’t end because you did.

Lots of love,
