Just call me “the momager”

Hello my beautiful people.

I hope you’ve been having a fantastically beautiful day. As most of you know I’m a full time working mom of three. Thankfully, I have an amazing family that supports me and is always willing to give a helping hand. I wouldn’t be a successful manager or momager if not for the lord and my family.

With all of that said, today, I had to put my critical thinking managerial hat on in order to “mom manage” my 5 year old. My little guy is NOT a morning person. He doesn’t rise and shine. In fact his rise is more like a slow roll to the ground while whining on the way down. He drags himself to the bathroom all while managing to piss off his siblings in minutes. He takes his morning rain cloud everywhere he goes. Even virtual school. Today, his rain cloud made it’s way to his teacher, his Buela, and eventually me “the momager”.

While getting him ready for his day, I could feel that the day could go south at any moment. So, I made sure to put on my happy face and do nothing but breath positivity into him. He had a few moments, but, all in all it was not a terrible morning. Until, he made the decision to turn south.

Now, here I am at work, on a Monday morning, attempting to encourage my team to face the challenges of the day, while my Apple Watch wont stop buzzing. To no surprise it’s my mom. She writes, “Aaron is having a bad morning, I have spoken to him and the teacher. He just stopped”

. …….JUST STOPPED?! ……He just decided that his school day was going to be over at 9:01. Now, Mind you, I’ve been at work for only 31 minutes at this point. So I ignore it. Then my watch buzzes again “He is totally telling the teacher he is not doing it”

………NOT DOING IT!????……Like, if he’s in charge. At that moment I had a choice to make.

So, I tell my employees “I’ll be right back”. I hop in my truck and off I go. Headed home at 9:15. All I can do is pray. All I can do is ask for self control, and for God to order my steps. Because, in my own flesh I wanted to throw something across the wall!! I get home and my mom lays it all out. Aaron is just staring at me. Fear is painted all over his face. I tell him “go get your shoes and your mask”. I ask my mom for his left over assignments; him and I leave. I take him to the lake and we sit and watch the ducks. This entire time I’m trying not to cry. Trying not to yell, trying not to break, Trying to explain to him why he can’t go to actual school yet, trying to explain that every morning he has to make a choice. But he’s only 5.

So we sit quietly and watch the ducks. He asks me questions about the ducks wings, and if they get cold in the water. I’m able to sneak in a few words about how I love him and want him to listen. I don’t yell. I’m simply trying to figure out how to manage. We get back in the car and I take him to work. While sending a few emails I help him complete his assignments. Once he’s done he wants to leave. BAM! My moment has arrived. “No Aaron, you wanted to sit at your desk and do nothing today. Now, you can have what you wanted. You can sit and do nothing.” Aaron: “But mom I have to finish school” Me: “No, Aaron, you did finish, and now you get to sit.” So, he sat for over an hour. Doing nothing. He got what he wanted.

Then I hear is tummy rumble. “Aaron are you hungry?” He replies “yes mommy” I say “ok baby lunch is in an hour. His eye opened wide!” “But I’m hungry I want to eat now” “Sorry baby, you didn’t want to be in school so now you have to wait”. He was not a happy camper! He sat there pouting and spinning in his new office chair. After a while we get packed up and leave. I go to a local diner and he gets to order whatever he wants. While we sit he gets upset realizing he can’t go to his grandma’s house. I explain to him that everything that’s happening is because he made a choice. He chose not to be cooperative, he chose not to listen, and he chose to give up on his work. He continues to eat his silver dollar pancakes with a sour look on his face. He goes In and out of smiling and pouting like kids do. We then wrap up lunch and head home. We get home and I put him right to bed. While he’s in bed he starts crying and calling out for me. I don’t answer. Then he calls out for Mochi our dog and she barks! He must have realized Mochi was no hello so he evenuallly calmed down and fell asleep.

It’s 1pm and here I am. At home writing to you. I should be at work managing my office. Creating strategies with my bankers on how to engage clients, how to connect with our community and how to help people reach their financial goals. But, I’m not. At this moment I’m at home. I’m where I need to be for right now. At home being a mom while my little guy takes the nap he needs to rest this not so easy morning.

I don’t know how many working mom’s might read this post today but if you are a working mom I’m with you. In prayer and in love. It’s not easy, it’s ok to cry. It’s ok to feel frustrated, it’s ok to make a choice once in awhile. Just make sure that when you do it’s always them. Always choose your kids. Over your meeting, over your employees and over anything else that might get in the way. Your time and prayer with them and for them is what’s going to get their little rain cloud to go away. It’s what’s going to give them the strength to one day make the same choice you made. God and family over everything.

With love,



Since when did trying to look your best become embarassing?

So many people go through their lives feeling ugly, frumpy and yucky. They hate what they see in the mirror and they wish they saw something else. Some people are so frustrated with their own appearance that they stop trying all together. They wear the same clothes day in and day out. They don’t do their hair and they don’t care to try. When they do speak they are are whiny, obnoxious and live in a pity party. Constantly complaining about what they have to do. Not realizing how blessed they are to be able to do those things.

Now, don’t get me wrong people go through phases in their lives. People get sad and overwhelmed. People become parents and don’t have the energy but most people get through those stages and eventually have an ‘AH HA!” moment. Some people go through funks! I get it!I mean I’ve been there! I’m not talking about that. I’m also not referring to people that are diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I am simply speaking about people that complain about their appearance and refuse to do anything about it.

The other day I was speaking to a friend about this topic. We simply came to the conclusion that some people are so down on themselves that they become embarrassed to even try. It’s actually very sad. In my very humble opinion I believe you should never stop trying to be the best version of yourself. If you are overweight and want to get healthy embrace who you are right now and do what you gotta do to hit your goal. If you don’t want to lose weight then that’s ok too. It doesn’t mean you stop trying to look and feel your best. It’s ok to style your hair differently. It’s ok to wear lip gloss and get a new blouse. Don’t be embarrassed about it. Don’t not do it because you’re worried about what people might think or say. The heck with the haters! For crying out loud if you don’t want to try that’s even ok. BUT, then please, don’t complain about it!!!!! Just look in the mirror and make the choice to love the skin that you are in or zip your lip. Look, however you might look right now OWN IT! And take the steps to be the best you that you can be.

Hearing you whine and complain about things you CAN do and CAN change is frustrating. Stop giving yourself excuses. There is enough time. There are enough resources and you CAN be who you want to see in the mirror. BUT it WILL take work. You can be the best version of yourself if you allow yourself to try and stop getting embarassed about it. Just be the beautiful, perfectly imperfect, man or woman of God that the almighty has created you to be.

For you were bought with a price 1st Corinthians 6:20

With Love,


There you have it!

This morning, like so many other, I woke up to dishes in the sink. Just so you know, I hate waking up to dishes in the sink! Every night after I put the kids to bed I do a last run through of my kitchen JUST to make sure there are NO dirty dishes! However, there’s one exception. Now, that my husband works at night (and has been for over 1 year now) I always leave his plate on the stove wrapped up neatly. So, when I wake up I expect his plate, cup, fork, knife, and sometimes his dessert plate in the sink. I’m ok with that (JUST THAT THOUGH). Every morning, I wake up, I feed the dog and I wash the dishes………today, I decided not to. ……Today, I decided I was going to tell my 10 year old to do it. Along with washing the dishes, I reminded her to make her bed, and clean up her room. She on the other hand decided to make her bed, clean up her room, and wait until after her school work was done to do the dishes. I let her. I figured she was trying to play me. I figured she knows how much I hate dirty dishes that she knew I would give in. NOT TODAY. I was DETERMINED! All day those dishes kept piling up. One by one, each of us added to the pile of cups, and plates and forks. One by One, all of the dishes glared at me with their ugly little food particles smudged all over, taunting me in the sink. ALL DAY! To some of you it might not seem like a big deal, but to someone who is task oriented like myself I was living a nightmare. So, right before dinner time here comes my curly headed little beauty and here I go ready to shoot out at the mouth.

Me”Zoey, you see, if you would’ve done it when I asked you, you only would have had a few dishes to wash but, now there’s a mountain”

Zoey “Yea, it’s ok this was my plan. I don’t want to touch the dishes so I’m gonna load them in  the dishwasher”

Me “Oh, well why didn’t you do it earlier”

Zoey “cause you had yesterdays load running this morning”

Me “Oh, well, thank you for doing it without having to be reminded”

Zoey “No problem mom”

And there you have it. I was bothered all day by dirty dishes when there was a plan for them the entire time. When I realized how ridiculous it was I began to think about how God must see us and our short comings. We ask God to just get rid of things that we are dealing with not realizing that there’s more coming and He wants to rid us of ALL of our infirmities, ALL of our sins, ALL of our dirt. We stare at what seems to be overtaking us instead of focusing on God who agreed to take care of it ALL. WOW! I thank God for enlightening me. I thank God for knowing what’s ahead of me and already having a plan for it. I encourage you to take heart and trust in the almighty creator because he will never leave you or forsake you. And just because he’s not moving in your time doesn’t mean he’s not moving.

Be Blessed


Just Maybe

I have tried so many things in my life and quit.

  1. Piano…….Quit
  2. Karate…….Quit
  3. Volleyball…..Quit
  4. Diets………Quit, Start,Quit,Start
  5. Books……..rarely ever finish them……Quit
  6. Walking………Quit …….

I could go on and on but you get the gist. Out of all of these things I’ve quit I don’t regret starting them or quitting them.  Just because I stopped a good behavior doesn’t mean I can’t start again if I wanted to. Don’t get me wrong I’m not going to be a black belt or play in a symphony but, there’s a few things in my life I wouldn’t mind giving another chance……. and that’s OK. Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t (idk yet)

You see, there are so many things that we as people just give power to. Because of that we quit some really great things. We allow distractions and opinions to hold us back. We listen to the voice of doubt and insecurity, laziness or just plane frustration. This causes a lot of us to retreat (I know, I’ve been there). But, could you imagine a world where you could have the courage to just start over again? Where you could wake up one day and say today is the day! Today is the day I’m going to restart! WOW!!!!! Do you believe that you live in that world??? It’s true! You do!! You can restart anything you want. It’s up to you. You are what’s in your own way. You could literally right now decide that you are going to learn a new language. With hard work and determination you could!  All you would need is the courage to mess up, potentially quit, and start again if necessary until you’re successful . I know!!!! CRAZY RIGHT??!!

Look, all I’m saying is that I’m not the only one that has quit something and been afraid to start again. And, I’m not the only one that can start again and be successful at it. YOU CAN too.

Go for it! Become the volleyball star. Lose the 10 pounds, start that book…..talk to God……It’s never to late to start over!

For Hope is the anchor to our souls. Hebrews 6:19

With Love,


Hi, it’s me

It’s been about 1 year since I’ve logged on here. A lot happened in 1 year.

Let’s see, I became an aunt (an auntisaurus rex to be exact). I opened a brand new branch for work (Go me!!) I put on a few pounds (CHOCOLATE). My brother was deployed (it SUX I miss him). I became a dog mom (Mochi is the cutest) I got my 84 year old Grandma an iPhone so we can FaceTime (She’s got friends now hehehe) . I’ve lost more relationships then gained (I’m ok with it). Oh, and there’s a pandemic currently happening around the globe (#goaway CORONA)…………Yea, that about sums it up.

So, I decided to log on today. Mostly because I’ve been thinking about it for a while. At first, I thought it would be dumb since it’s been so long, and I have no audience. Then, I received an encouraging word today from my sister that said “it’s ok to start again REGARDLESS of how long it’s been”…….. After that message I went on about my day. I didn’t give it another thought! Then, everything hit me like a ton of bricks; including her words……….Suddenly, I’m in my feelings and I’m crying…..like, I literally finished my day, laid in bed, and cried. After I cried, I picked up my laptop, and wrote a blog. Then, I deleted it! “Why write anything? I thought “I have no audience”. Then,  I started again. You see, I could hear the Lords quiet whisper speaking to me saying “an Audience of One”. It hit me again…but this time it was a whisper…. He is my audience!!

When I’m lonely I pray that I remember this. This moment right here. After a long day at work, missing my husband, worried about life, and after a good cry. The relief of knowing,  He is my audience and I’m never alone. That it’s not by might or by power, but, by His Spirit says the Lord.  I hope I never forget this feeling of comfort, and serenity in the midst of a storm. The love that wraps me like the wings of eagles. I pray YOU find this. That you remember he is your audience. That you too would have this feeling of comfort and peace in the midst of this pandemic or your personal struggle(whatever your’e going through). That you would remember that He loves you forever and that He sees you! You are not alone.


Do you vote or do you promote?

We are currently experiencing a rather turbulent time. Most people can’t have a civilized conversation with one another. There’s no right or wrong. There’s no compromise or agreeing to disagree. It’s usually “My way or the highway”. With that said, I heard someone ask a question (I can’t remember who) that caught my attention. The question was, “Are you a voter or a promoter”.  I thought, WOW!!! How guilty am I of this?…..and I wonder how many others would fess up to it??

No, I’m not talking politics; so keep those comments to yourself. I’m talking about life, truth, belief system, family, work etc…

Was there ever a time where you told a group of people who you would do something but,  you knew you wouldn’t (because it wasn’t “you”).  Has there ever been a time where you knew what you were doing was absolutely incorrect? Yet, you still did it because of the crowd you were with? Have you ever allowed someone to talk badly about Jesus (or pastors and leaders) because you “believe” in him (and the ministry) but you don’t necessarily promote him or support them?

Yes, I went there. Actually, that’s the first thing that came to my mind when I heard the question. Now, let’s be honest. Most people claim to be Christians and claim to love the Lord but will not defend him to their friends, or talk about his goodness to a stranger. Most Christians take on the title but negate all of the responsibility. We pick and choose which scriptures fit our agenda and defend and promote only those. But the scriptures that bring conviction are left to the way side. We smile at the pastors on Sundays and thank them for their hard work and dedication but, won’t bring a friend to a service or lift up our leaders in prayer. I can go on and on but I’m going to leave you with this

……………………………………..which are you? a Voter or a Promoter………………………………………………

please comment, with your thoughts.

Matthew 10:33

But Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven

In His Love,



I’m going to jump right in.

Lately I’m been feeling as if believers have been plagued by thoughts of insignificance.

I’ve heard  believers say things like “I’m just an usher, I’m just a praise and worship leader, I’m just the sound guy,” etc… This is NOT humility. It is not a way to give God glory. It actually sounds as if your down playing the God-given gifts that are inside of you.

 HUMBLE= Not proud or haughty not arrogant or assertive 

I’m not telling you to be “proud” but what I am saying is to remember the value that you bring to the table. You are more than the word “JUST”. Every time you disregard your value you allow your light to be dimmed. The spark you once had for being  an usher begins to dwindle because you begin to believe that you are “JUST an usher “rather than AN USHER …..one whom helps bring order and ushers the people into the presence of God……now, I am using an usher as an example but, this can apply to anything. I believe it’s time to remember your worth. It’s time to Recognize that you do add value and  you are important. You may think that you are such a small piece in this puzzle called life but, every piece to a puzzle matters. Without the smallest piece to a  puzzle it remains incomplete.

Thank you for being you! No one else could do it any better.

In His love,



I was reviewing a few of my “church” notes and came across a message from  July 2018 by my Pastor: Alberto “Tito” Rodriguez or as I like to call him “Dad” (#IOAM) . He delivered a message titled “I am my Territory”. I feel in my heart to share a few of my takeaways soooo HERE GOES…………

**It is time to “unfold” yourself and make yourself your TRUE size. Everything that God created was made for us (the believer) to enjoy. Like birds we have to expand our wings in order to fly. While we fly the only way to reach our pinnacle is by extending ourselves and reaching our full potential i.e our full size. It is imperative that your body learns how to adjust to “growth” along with growth comes “growing pains”. In the book of Chronicles it speaks of a man names Jabez. Jabez asked God for blessings in the midst of going through pain and even in the midst of his pain God blessed him. Like Jabez the expansion has to start in your mind FIRST. You may be going through pain in your life but you must remember that the Spirit of God that is in you is always willing. It’s your flesh that is weak.

In your prayer time be sure to ask God the right questions….Instead of asking for possessions…..how about you ask God to Bless you so you can fulfill your purpose.


In His Love,

Mrs. Noso

God’s not finished with me yet. (Or you)


My birthday is tomorrow and I am super excited!

“ALOHA 30 ALOHA 31!!”

No, I don’t have a party planned and I’m not going away on vacation. I’m excited because I’m not in the same place today that I was last year. Sure, I still have a lot of the same clothes (I’m not a big shopper) and I might not have hit my weight loss goal but my mind is clearer my vision has expanded and my family is closer.

Every year comes with it’s own set of challenges. As a mother of 3 there’s a new one every day. For instance right now my son is crying because he doesn’t want to take a nap. He’s crying because he’s exhausted, and hearing him makes me exhausted. Not yelling at him takes every bit of my energy, and self control that I can muster up. This morning my 5 year old wanted to remove his shoe laces and replace them with rubber ones he got from school. As he was eating his breakfast his dirty sneakers sat beside his hard boiled eggs and orange juice.(GROSS!). This week my daughter had the flu. While I was in Virginia for my brothers military graduation (YAY AJ!!) I get a phone call from her telling me she vomited. I asked her what her dad said and she tells me he’s working so she called me…….helping her understand that I was OUT OF TOWN and calling her daddy would be a better option was a challenge. Remembering that my kids are kids and aren’t perfect is a challenge! Knowing that a lot of times my husband is right is a challenge!! Admitting that he’s right is an even bigger challenge…….those are just a few, very surface, examples of daily challenges. These things don’t go away. They’ll get harder. I know that one day I’ll have a house full of teenagers that want to date, want to borrow money, and think they know it all. It’s going to happen. But, today I embrace todays challenges and cheer myself on with every little victory. And when the teenage trifecta happens…..well……I’ll let you know I guess :-/ lol

Unfortunately, I can’t with all certainty say that in my 20s I grasped that concept. But, today I do. To me, that’s a victory! To me, that shows that I’m not in the same head space that I was last year. To me, that shows growth.

Tomorrow, marks another year gone in my life. Another year that I’ll never get back. It also marks the year that I turned 30, I learned how to raise a 5 year old, 3 year old and 9 year old. I moved into a new home, started a new position at work, felt rich even if my bank account didn’t agree. I gave countless hugs and kisses and shed lots of tears. Turning 30 last year was a milestone. It was a great year, it was a difficult one too but, it is one I’ll never get back and I’ll never forget. Every day the Lord worked on me. He molded me. He corrected me, loved me, spoke to me and went silent. You see, God’s not done with me. I don’t ever want him to be done with me.

I truly believe that no one on this planet has reached their full potential. I don’t care how much money they have, how beautiful they are, or how much they do for others. God’s never done.

Just, Live your life. Enjoy the small stuff. Don’t get stressed over things you can’t control. Let God be God, and remember your purpose.

Remember We’re not perfect, but the one who lives in us is. So with all the love in my heart I encourage you to take deep breaths and enjoy the moment your in. Embrace the challenges you’ve faced throughout your time here on earth and give God the glory for what he’s doing in you (even if you don’t see it yet).

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In His Love,

Mrs.Noso xoxo

“You’ve got this!”

Hello all!! I hope I was missed! 😛

So I have a few questions for you, and I’d love to know your answers in the comment section.

  1. Have you ever felt lonely in a crowded room?
  2. Have you ever wanted to be a part of a community, click or group and then avoided it/them at all cost?

My answer is YES to both.

I wish I could explain why but there’s no clear explanation. I have quite literally avoided eye contact with the very same people I did everything to become friends with. I have left events as soon as they’re done to avoid the “chit-chat” afterward and have felt like I was the only person in a crowded room.

I could only sum these moments up to me losing focus. Maybe these moments were week-long events. Perhaps, it was just 1 day and I was in a mood. But, regardless of which, it was a loss of focus that caused these moments of  anxiety, discomfort and loneliness. I forgot who I was, how much I mattered and that I have a purpose. When God formed me in my mother’s womb he made me with a purpose, a dream, a desire for something greater. He gave me the ability to go through the obstacles that are put in my way and overcome the schemes of my enemies. He told me that I was more than a conqueror and I have an inheritance that is greater than I could ever imagine. When my soul is heavy he told me to put on the garment of praise and remember that he is the way the truth and the life. He gave me a helmet of salvation and a breast-plate of righteousness. The almighty God, Creator of the universe, counted the hairs on my head and collects all of my tears. Those moments of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety are darts the enemy throws at me to distract me from all of the promises God has made for me. This goes for you too!! Do not allow a moment of weakness cause you to lose permanent focus on the mighty plan that God has given you. If you have to scream out to God from the depths of your soul to regain your focus……or  To feel heard and to release your hurt…..then SCREAM…..If you need a moment of solemn silence and weeping……then weep and be silent……Have your moment. Then refocus. If i can do it so can you. Never be ashamed of who you are. Don’t avoid the people who God has placed in your life. They need you as much as you need them.

**From one work in progress to another. “You’ve got this”.**

In his love

Mrs. Noso