
Since when did trying to look your best become embarassing?

So many people go through their lives feeling ugly, frumpy and yucky. They hate what they see in the mirror and they wish they saw something else. Some people are so frustrated with their own appearance that they stop trying all together. They wear the same clothes day in and day out. They don’t do their hair and they don’t care to try. When they do speak they are are whiny, obnoxious and live in a pity party. Constantly complaining about what they have to do. Not realizing how blessed they are to be able to do those things.

Now, don’t get me wrong people go through phases in their lives. People get sad and overwhelmed. People become parents and don’t have the energy but most people get through those stages and eventually have an ‘AH HA!” moment. Some people go through funks! I get it!I mean I’ve been there! I’m not talking about that. I’m also not referring to people that are diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I am simply speaking about people that complain about their appearance and refuse to do anything about it.

The other day I was speaking to a friend about this topic. We simply came to the conclusion that some people are so down on themselves that they become embarrassed to even try. It’s actually very sad. In my very humble opinion I believe you should never stop trying to be the best version of yourself. If you are overweight and want to get healthy embrace who you are right now and do what you gotta do to hit your goal. If you don’t want to lose weight then that’s ok too. It doesn’t mean you stop trying to look and feel your best. It’s ok to style your hair differently. It’s ok to wear lip gloss and get a new blouse. Don’t be embarrassed about it. Don’t not do it because you’re worried about what people might think or say. The heck with the haters! For crying out loud if you don’t want to try that’s even ok. BUT, then please, don’t complain about it!!!!! Just look in the mirror and make the choice to love the skin that you are in or zip your lip. Look, however you might look right now OWN IT! And take the steps to be the best you that you can be.

Hearing you whine and complain about things you CAN do and CAN change is frustrating. Stop giving yourself excuses. There is enough time. There are enough resources and you CAN be who you want to see in the mirror. BUT it WILL take work. You can be the best version of yourself if you allow yourself to try and stop getting embarassed about it. Just be the beautiful, perfectly imperfect, man or woman of God that the almighty has created you to be.

For you were bought with a price 1st Corinthians 6:20

With Love,



I usually have something to say about any topic. Whether I know about the topic is a totally different conversation. You see I’ve worked 15+ years in customer service. While working in the customer service field you learn how to have small conversations with anyone that is in front of you. Now, most conversations do not contain much substance, but they are conversations non the less. For example, a client comes in to conduct business and my job is to make them feel all warm and fuzzy while finding out lots of fun stuff about them. Once I find out the fun stuff I can eventually get to the meat and potatoes of the visit then we explore our options from there. While on this conversation journey I am at times introduced to topics that I’m not to familiar with. For instance, I have never gone on an actual hike, but if my client is an avid hiker I would simply say ‘WOW hiking is an incredible way to stay fit! Is that your secret?’ If a woman of course……. if a man I would say something like ‘WOW hiking is such a great way to escape the mundane! what else do you do for fun? (Now, you might wonder why I change my approach; and the quickest way to answer is because I’m married and I do my best to consider him. If I ask a man about how he stays fit it may seem flirtatious and I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole.) Any way, I know how to make small talk. Now, on the other hand there are people in my life that I see regularly and I just can’t figure out what the heck to say to them. We just do not click! I mean, I want to click, I want to make small talk, or long talk, or even end up as besties but it just does not happen. Now, these individuals are close to people that I love dearly. I mean, I see them a few times a year and would even be able to call them distant relatives and still nothing! Nada, Zilch ZERO! I have examined myself, I have spoken to to my husband, I have tried to figure it out and after years of wondering I’m just deciding to let it go. We are just not meant to be friends and I am ok with that! I really don’t even care for their personalities (no offense) we really just don’t click! I officially have decided to stop trying to fit a puzzle piece into my life that doesn’t fit. In me doing this I truly believe it’ll show my kids that they don’t have to entertain people that they don’t want to. If they don’t click with someone it’s ok. They don’t have to force it, or fake it. They don’t have to feel bad or wonder why. They can simply say hello and good bye.

If you find yourself sticking around people that you just don’t click with and you are tired of trying you can just stop. Yeah, I said it stop trying to make the piece fit into your puzzle when it doesn’t belong. At the end of the day as long as you are still being a light in the midst of darkness you don’t have to be everyone’s friends. Let them go and let God handle the rest.

In his love

-Mrs Noso