Never Give UP

Sometimes it’s difficult to comprehend that it’s not about what you want but it’s about what God the Father wants. It’s even harder to understand that praising God in the storm doesn’t always change your circumstance…… but ………it will change your perspective.  You see, It’s so important to see things through the eyes of Christ. Through the eyes of truth and of faith.

For example: Fierceness comes from Christ; so does courage, boldness, strength, love, peace, joy , kindness, goodness, gentless etc…..they are all attributes of Jehovah. Believe it or not you can obtain these attributes. However, you must recognize that they are not obtained through genetics, money, power, education, luck, or because you are entitled. You can only obtain these attributes through God the creator, Jesus the son, and receiving the Holy Spirit.


How are you handling your circumstance? Are you praising your way through and allowing God to change your perspective? Are you united with the Spirit of God so that you are in a position to obtain the attributes Christ has for you? 

Breaking free from the prison of your mind is not easy, nor is it fast. It is an unrelenting pursuit towards the goodness of who God is and most importantly IT IS POSSIBLE.

Our thoughts and illusions of entitlement can keep us prisoners in our own mind.

Our thoughts hold us back from the endless possibilities that Christ has for us.

Our experiences define our reactions and how we react unveil a piece of our true self

How have you been reacting in the storm?

Pray with me if you know that it is time to break free:

Dear Lord, Make me your offering. I am here to lose myself and what I think is right for me….. because When I fail, and when I feel as though there is no one to turn to, you are ALWAYS there. When there is no hope, you are the anchor of hope for my soul. May I get lost in your love oh Lord, and never found. That I would rise up a new creation, perfect and whole in your sight. That you would pull me from the ashes and beauty would arise. That I may take flight with wings of eagles and your courage would be like the wind. That beginning right now the walls of doubt, discouragement, fear and hopelessness be broken down in Jesus Name I declare victory over my circumstance, I declare peace in my mind, I declare new perspective and clarity in what you have called me to do. In Jesus mighty name   AMEN!!!!!!

I hope you are encouraged today and that the above prayer is the push and encouragement you needed. God Bless you and Never give up!

In His Love,

Mrs. Noso xoxo

Well have you?

Have you ever felt like you were running out of steam? Being left behind? Or simply that you just weren’t making the cut?


There are times in life that make you sit and ponder about your life, and the choices you have made. The choices that have brought you to where you are today. Those times are difficult. They put a magnifying glass on behaviors that you thought were  justifiable. They pull from the inner most darkness, that is hidden inside your closet… know…..where all of the skeletons have been hiding, deteriorating, and collecting dust. They make you second guess your journey and your individual process’. Those times can feel like never-ending, lonely nights, filled with terror from your past, fear of your future and doubt of your present. Those times can be a breaking point. Those times can either BREAK YOU or they can BREAK YOU OUT.

You see, being broken and being Broken out of are two different things…….follow me…….

My sister told me of an observation she recently made. There was a group of women running. They all seemed to know one another and were running in close proximity to each other. Except for one(we’ll call her Sue). Sue seemed to be struggling to keep up. It was obvious that she was on a mission though. She was pushing through and making her way to the other ladies. She never lost focus of the other women. Nearly falling over she wasn’t going to stop until she caught up.

Now, when you read that it sounds encouraging. It sounds like Sue is a fighter and wanted to get better. …….But change your perspective for a second. What if Sue would have recognized her own ability and embraced her speed? What if Sue focused on her race rather than the race if the other runners?…..Think about it…….. Sue’s pace was not wrong, nor was it bad, it was HERS. You see, The focus on someone else’s race could have very easily ended hers. She could have fainted, injured herself or she could have quit.

The fact of the matter is this. If you are focused so much on someone else’s journey you’ll never complete your own. If you feel like you are running out of steam, stand back, and readjust. Do not focus on the people around you. Focus on the Race that is set before YOU!

Those times that make you question your choices should NEVER break you. Instead use that time to Break Out, Break from, Break free!

Besides Whose race are you running? Yours or someone elses?

Hebrew 12:1-2 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of GOD.

We get so hung up on  the times we feel inadequate that we forget about the times we were enough. We focus on the 10 minutes of sorrow  rather then the countless days of Joy. Yes, you feel tired, yes you were focusing on someone else’s race, BUT NOW, Focus on yours.

In his Love,

Mrs.Noso xoxo


They are not your friend

They do not want the best for you

They are not looking at you nor are They losing sleep about you

They do not care about what you are wearing, thinking, eating, reading, growing, planting, practicing, or even what you are about.

They do not matter. They do not pay your bills. They do not hold your purpose and They are not better than you. So stop giving “they” so much credit.

If you are uncomfortable then get comfortable. If you want to stay then stay. If you want to leave then leave. Your life is yours to live. Now, don’t get it twisted HE does matter. He as in Jesus. His opinion and standards do matter. He holds your purpose and your destiny. So, yes, you live your life but, with God by his Grace. You see,  His was given to us freely through the price that Jesus paid for on Calvary.

Do not live your life worried about what “They” say, concern yourself only with what HE says. They are just another excuse for you not to do what you have been called to do. Do not be distracted.

For the steps of a righteous man are ordered by GOD [Psalm 37:23]

He who answers a matter before he hearth it, it is folly and shame unto him [Proverbs 18:13]


With Love,

Mrs. Noso


In the waiting

No feeling, just emotions

No feeling, just noise

No feeling, just tears

No feeling, just lost

Paralysis is setting in

When things are out of your control you feel trapped, paralyzed, breathless. Your Oxygen feels as if it’s trapped in your throat while your lungs fight for the air. Your body begins to fight for survival. Headache sets in, nausea from nerves start. Then you try to move. YOU CAN’T. Instead your paralyzed. Lost in the emotions of the unknown. Stuck in the thoughts of no control. You begin to battle within yourself. Putting on your armor and picking up your sword. You go to battle with the thoughts inside your head. There’s no winning. There’s no victory. 

No feeling, just emotions

No feeling, just noise

No feeling, just tears

No feeling, just lost

Paralysis is setting in. 

Time is ticking. Pain is worsening. Loneliness has taken it’s grip. You’ve lost. You’re all alone.

Without warning; you look to the hills. You cast your anchor of hope and stabilize yourself. In the hills, You find help so you look towards them.  You take those thoughts captive and cast out those imaginations. You begin to have sensation in your soul. Your thought process begins to expand and shift. You have feeling in your legs again. You can move. You take that pain and you cut it at the root. Thought paralysis set in but thank God no atrophy! Victory is near. 

You, get up

You, stretch

You, breath 

You, believe


You, Die TO SELF, reNEW yourself, because paralysis……..It’s a lie! 

Whether wheel chair bound or Unable to think you are only as immobile as you believe yourself to be. There’s always a way to move. Whether in your soul, in the waiting or running a marathon. Don’t give up, Don’t stop the fight. Your brother is counting on your prayers to push him through and, bring him back to you. 

In his Love, 

Mrs. Noso

Get-away or Getaway

Do you ever get away?

Away from the noise, Away from the day-to-day? Is it ever possible to just leave everything behind and not think twice about what you’re leaving?

So many of us want a vacation. An escape. Some of us get it! We request time off from work, arrange child care, book a flight and hotel, organize our homes, pack our bags and BOOM we LEAVE! Finally an escape, finally rest, finally a VACATION! No more errands, or chores. No more cleaning or cooking. No more STRESS!!

We arrive at our destination……………………..Now……………………We disconnect…………………….

Now, we worry, we reconsider, we repeat “our to-do-list” to complete when we get home. We do not repeat this list once. Instead, We repaeat it over and over again in our heads. We smile for pictures, and chase our Facebook feeds so we can “stay in the loop” with what’s going on at home. We Spend time, money and energy to “getaway” when in all reality we NEVER left home. We never left the noise.

“We carry noise everywhere we go, it’s the noise within ourselves.”

In the book of Matthew it gives us  a simple solution on how to clear our heads and find rest for our soul (mind):

Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

How many of you have found yourself in a negative situation and have left? Now, after you’ve left and are freed from your situation how often have you found yourself back in something extremely similar? It could be gossip, lies, abuse, gluttony, infidelity, doubt, lack of confidence? It could be ANYTHING?

How many of you are ready to STOP the vicious Cycle?

If you are and you are ready to GET AWAY from every negative thought process you are encountering or dealing with Repeat this Out Loud with reverence in your heart.

Dear Lord, Thank you for never leaving me even in my darkest times. Thank you for believing in me and being my biggest fan. Christ I acknowledge you as the Savior of my soul and I bless your Holy name. Today I dedicate/rededicate my life to you. I will No longer live in a vicious cycle of pain and negativity. I will stand on your Word and Promises. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour and Thank you for the opportunity to love on you, and be whom you have purposed me to be. I lay down my burden at your feet and I pick up your yoke because it is light. Today, is the day that you have called me out of darkness and put me into the light. I will focus on you and rest in you. Though the world may be harsh and the temptation ever-present around me, i will NOT go back to whom I was. I will MOVE FORWARD IN YOU. I will get away from the noise and I thank you in advance for the strength you will give me to do so. Thank you for all that you are. Thank you for all that you’ve done. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray YES & AMEN! 

HALLELUJAH!!!!  SHOUT FOR JOY!!!  Now is your time and season to clear out the noise and focus in on his magnificent voice. God Bless you and I pray that your journey with him be the best and most amazing adventure and a forever getaway.

In His Love,

Mrs. Noso xoxo


Your Marathon

Imagine: You’re running. You’re running so far and for so long you can’t even remember where you’re going or even why. Is there something chasing you? Is there something waiting for you? Is it both, or none at all?

…………This is Life. It’s a Marathon. However, in this marathon we don’t know it’s duration, nor are we prepared for it’s obstacles. It feels like there’s no ending and we are so numb we forget the beginning. ….Life, this is life……But why??….. Why do we live our life oblivious to it’s purpose, oblivious of it’s goal, oblivious to why we are LIVING IT!

Numb- Deprived of the POWER of Sensation. ( 

Are you living life Numb? Are you lacking Sensation, feeling, POWER??

King David in the book of Psalm went numb. A mighty Warrior, Worshiper, a man whom sinned yet whom was Perfect in the eyes of God (because of his Obedience and ability to self correct) WENT NUMB! He recognized that his flesh was weak but he acknowledged that  his God wasn’t! I repeat; His God wasn’t weak…..his God was and IS STRONG!

In this ever fleeting, Always failing, Chaotic mess of the world, there is beauty beyond measure. There is strength that you haven’t tapped into (yet). There’s Restoration to those whom felt were unable to be restored. There is  Hope to anchor your soul. There is Rest to the weary and burdened. There is a life to live in the MARATHON. Find Rest so the Power to feel  will be restored. The power to feel love, comfort, creative, peace ETC…

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Matthew 11:28

In your rest be restored and strengthened. Rest easy His Child; for tomorrow is not promised. You have now, you have today.  Remember your destination, Allow Christ to guide you in restoring  your purpose and allow yourself to FEEL his presence like never before.


In his Love,

Mrs. Noso, xoxo

Retrain your Brain

Ok, so you are on the road to positivity, yet all you seem to think about are negative things.


7am: Today is going to be a great day! …..Ugh I don’t want to go to work

11am: Yay it’s almost lunch time!……..Ugh Now i have to eat a salad when i really want a Coke and Fries

2pm: Time for my afternoon Colada (yummy!)……….Ugh is it 5 O’clock yet!!

5pm: Quittin time!! I get to go home and relax with the family……….Ugh I have laundry

How many of you can relate to this?

(I KNOW I CAN!!!!)

Now, what happens if for every negative thought, we replace it with a positive one?Instead of replacing every positive one with a negative?

How about when we think of the dreaded laundry we give Thanks for having clothes. When we don’t want to be at work, we give Thanks for the ability to work. When we complain about eating healthy we give thanks for being healthy enough to make the change and work through the process.

Growing up as a Pastor’s Kid I’ve met so many people that have KILLED their outcome before they even get started. It’s almost as if they have a premeditated plan to sabotage their own success. I have met and seen people go to counseling and sit in the office with my parents  (whom are phenomenal pastors and parents BTW #IOAM) and the very next conversation I hear them having is of all of the obstacles they are facing rather then all of the possibilities to be successful. How about we look at Obstacles as Possibilities, as Opportunities, as a way to Prove how awesome you are and how strong you can be.  There is a true power in positive thinking and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Those Positive thoughts will eventually turn into positive actions. When you cast down those negative imaginations and thoughts and replace them with positivity, an encouraging word or even a scripture  your outlook begins to shift and your “I don’t think I can” turns into “Why not!”

It is NOT always that easy. I understand we struggle and have doubt. I understand that you’ve been negative for a large part of your life or adulthood. I know that changing overnight is not always possible. However, I also know that changing over time is VERY possible.

So, I challenge you to replace one negative thought with a positive one. Find a positive way to look at a difficult situation. Tomorrow replace 1 negative thought with a positive one. The next day do it 2 times and so on and so forth. Practice, Practice, Practice. Just like bad habits are developed over time so are good ones.Retrain your brain! ….Believe that It is possible because you are fearfully and wonderfully made and because you can do all things through Christ that gives you strength!

In His Love,

Mrs. Noso xoxo



I’ve heard so much talk about “IDENTITY” lately and being true to one’s self.  “Go and find yourself”…”Be true to thine self”…”Be who YOU want to be”…”YOU do YOU and forget the haters”. Could you imagine if Jesus listed to this advice.  Where would we be if he decided to follow some of the advice that….well….THAT WE HAVE FOLLOWED!!….it makes me queasy even thinking about it!

What does self even mean?

…..according to it means:  a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action. 

WOW! This definition blew up in my spirit: to be yourself you have to look INWARD (introspection) and acknowledge who you ARE. You don’t have to go anywhere or to anyone you must look inside. Well, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have accepted him as your Lord and Savior then Jesus is IN you. So in introspection (a thorough examination of ones own mental and emotional process) you ARE Christ Like(because you took the step to be saved). You are an heir to the kingdom. There’s no rabbit hole you have to climb into, you simply seek the Spirit that already lives in you. Now, in John 1:1 it states that :

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. (John 1:1)

Therefore, if you understand that God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1 you know that if Jesus is in you then the word is apart of YOU! …………………….WOW………………..So all of this talk about identity and being true to SELF is simply being true to whom you are NOW as a Child of God . It’s looking no further for your answers to life’s questions then the Word of God itself. We get so caught up in trying to be who God wants us to be, and trying to do the right thing ,that WE are not seeking within his word (The Bible) to find out who he has already made us to be. We put on airs  of righteousness and holiness but, never accept the newness that comes along with Jesus Christ. In other words; your identity is in HIM! You will only be  fulfilled when you can honestly KNOW who you are in Christ and begin to fulfill his purpose throughout your process. (yes, i said process) I believe There’s someone who is reading this that is going through a process that they don’t understand. You are unfulfilled, unhappy and you feel stuck. The Lord wants you to get unstuck and fulfill Christ’s purpose, depression is NOT your process. Overcoming depression is your process. You are not a victim of your circumstance you are an overcomer of a circumstance!

His Beloved, You Matter! You are important! You are not the same person you once were. When you made the decision to accept Jesus you have become a new creature.

2nd Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Tomorrow is not promised. You have today. You have right now. Accept who you have become in Christ and take actionable steps towards fulfilling your call. No, you are not perfect but, in Him he makes you perfect. No, you are not qualified but, he has called you and made you qualified. No, you weren’t expected to be where you are but, Christ meets you and knocks on the door anyway. You can only love him because He first loved you.

1st John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us

In His Love,

Mrs. Noso xoxo


As a mother of three I’ve learned a few things. One of those few is that toddlers mix up the words Yes and No. When you ask a toddler would you like cookies? the answer is going to be YES!!!…… and if they say no and you put the cookies away, the inevitable happens. Baby tears begin to flow like Rivers and the shrieking sounds of their screams begin to pierce your ears. As parents you begin to understand that to children “Yes and No” are interchangeable. They are simply an answer to a question being asked and quite frankly they have a 50% chance of getting it right!

So, What happens when grown ups mix up yes and no?

Have you ever met someone who volunteers for something all of the time and you can count down the minutes to when you are going to get the dreaded “I’m so sorry” call? Or when you finally decided to give that friend the benefit of the doubt and they show up empty-handed, again. The truth is we have all been there!

Unfortunately, these people, at the time, may have believed that they would come through. They perhaps even considered saying No, but, they didn’t see the big difference either way. To them it was just an answer and the outcome was to be determined by their emotions later on. Individuals with this mentality often don’t see the bigger picture and don’t understand the true outcome of their actions.  In 1st Corinthians 13:11 it says

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when i became a man, I put away childish things. 

Those that continue to put themselves in situations where their Yes, is regularly a No, are still thinking as a child. They have not come to the understanding that their word is a weapon of warfare. That the enemy will use their immaturity to his advantage. In fact this is even a selfish way of being (Yes, I said selfish) and will eventually lead to broken friendships, relationships and trust. As believers it’s imperative that we are men and women of our word. That when we say Yes, we mean Yes, and we follow through. When we say we will be somewhere at 10am are there at 10am. Not 10:05am. Not 10:15am but 10am. WHY? because you agreed, because you said yes, Because in Matthew 5:37 it says

Matthew 5:37 But let your Yes, mean Yes, and your No, mean No. Anything more than this is from the evil one. 

In other words keep it simple. If you said yes to something DO IT! If you said no to something DON’T DO IT! Stop complicating your life and inconveniencing others with being indecisive and immature. Maybe the person I’m referring to is you. Maybe you’re the one who is always late or just changes their mind last-minute. Well, if you are; take action towards improvement. Think about what it will take for you to follow through if you are leaning towards Yes, BEFORE you COMMIT to it…..AND if you say No, understand it is OK! YES, It is OK, to say NO! Just because you are a good friend, a christian, a mom, or a dad etc. that does not mean you are not allowed to say No. In fact, it’ll probably do you some good. Put things into perspective either way. Lead by example and allow your words to mean something.

In His Love,

Mrs. Noso xoxo